
Laser Everything LLC (Laser Everything)
(The Partner)


Paid Reviews and Sponsorships

Laser Everything is a viewer supported channel and as such is dedicated to remaining unbiased and neutral when presenting information and results uncovered during testing and review procedures. When publishing reviews, Laser Everything does not perform marketing services in exchange for equipment, goods, software, services or monetary compensation. The Partner agrees to send the equipment, goods, software or services for the sole purpose of review and exposure. Sponsorships are rare and when Laser Everything does cooperate with a sponsor the sponsorship is always clearly disclosed and will never be presented in a way that would suggest the content is not sponsored.

Editing and Censorship

Laser Everything will provide its viewership with the unedited and uncensored opinion formed after having spent time with the equipment, goods, software or services. The Partner understands and acknowledges that at no time will a preview copy of content or material be provided and revisions will not be made to published or unpublished content.


Expectation of Sales

The Partner provides all equipment, goods, software or services without the expectation that viewership will proceed with any purchase. Laser Everything makes no guarantees that its viewership will make any purchase and commits to no additional advertising or promotion on behalf of the Partner.

Date of Publication

Laser Everything makes no claims or guarantees that content will be published within a specific time period. The Partner acknowledges the publication date of all content is at the sole discretion of Laser Everything.

Decision to Publish

Laser Everything makes no claims or guarantees that content will be published featuring any provided equipment, goods, software or services. The Partner acknowledges the decision to publish any and all content is at the sole discretion of Laser Everything.

Liability Release

The Partner acknowledges and understands that all content published or unpublished by Laser Everything is presented solely as the opinion of the reviewer. The partner releases and forever discharges Laser Everything, it’s owners, directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns legal representatives and successors from all manner of actions, causes of action, debts, accounts, bonds, contracts, claims and demands for or by reason of any damage, loss or injury to person and property which has or may be sustained as a consequence of any content produced which has been published or unpublished.

Content Release
  1. The Partner may choose or is currently engaged in the business of creating media, which includes but is not limited to engaging in the following activities for personal and commercial gain:Filming, film/video editing, and film/video production; photography, photo editing, and photo production; digital photography, digital photo editing, and digital photo production; documentary production and editing; sound recordings; sound manipulation and music productions; television production; and web design and production.
  2. The Partner consents to its equipment, goods, software or services being a subject of Laser Everything in media.
  3. The Partner will allow Laser Everything to capture images and sound recordings for use in media.


For good and valuable consideration herein acknowledged as received, the Partner releases LaserEverything and assigns permission to license all images and sound recordings and to use of images and sound recordings in any media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. The Partner agrees that any images and sound recordings may be combined with other images, text and graphics, cropped, altered and modified.


The Partner agrees that Laser Everything has all rights to images and sound recordings, for perpetuity. ThePartner acknowledges and agrees that Laser Everything is not liable for any further consideration, accounting, or claim for any reason.


The Partner acknowledges and agrees that this agreement is binding on all heirs and assigns. The Partner acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties to this release and the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital.This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of New York.